Welcome to Best Lesbian Dating Sites where you will find information for single lesbian women in selecting the best online lesbian dating site and using it safely.

Dealing With Stalkers on Lesbian Dating Sites

dating safety keeps your online experience nicerWhen you join online lesbian dating sites there is always the chance of someone stalking you. While this is not the norm at online dating sites, you should still know how to deal with this sort of situation. Online dating is a great way to meet new people and to start new romances but it does come with its own situations that have to be dealt with. Most of the people you will meet will go in and out of your life until you find the people who either become friends or lovers. Cyber stalking may never even happen to you but when it does, you need to have the tools to know how to deal with it.

What is a Stalker?

Sadly, there are always a few people who do not know how to take rejection. They want to know why you do not like them or want to be your friend when you are not interested. Even after you tell them to quit communicating with you they search you out everywhere to talk to you. They bombard your email inbox with tons of messages every day. When you block them from your email, they find you on your chat site or Facebook. The worst-case scenario is when you have met someone in person and then choose not to see her again, and then she starts following you around in real-life situations.

How to Stop a Stalker

Once you realize that you are being stalked there are some things you can do to stop it. This really depends on how far they have taken the stalking. The following are some tips to help you stop a stalker from invading your life:

  • On a Lesbian Online Dating Site – The first thing you need to do is contact support and alert them to the behavior of their member. If the site does nothing about it and does not stop them from stalking you then you should block the person. If this does not work, you may have to create a new profile and cancel your old one. This can keep them from finding you and continuing their behavior. As a last ditch resort, you could discontinue using the service altogether and join another online lesbian dating site.
  • Your Personal Email Account – When you sign up for your online dating site you should have created a separate email account for that purpose. In this way you can simply send all of their communications to your spam folder. You never have to see it and they do not even know that you are not bothered by them. Even if you did not set up a separate account, you can still forward their emails to the spam folder.
  • In Real Life – If you find that you are being stalked in real life then you need to take immediate action. You should call your local police station and file a report. If there is serious harassment or threats of violence then a restraining order is your next step. Make sure that you keep any communication that they text or email to you as evidence of their behavior. All states have some laws against stalking and if you have the proof you can have them arrested and sent to jail.


Not everyone that you reject at a lesbian dating site is going to become a stalker. Many people go through the online dating process with no problems at all. They make good friends and even find love and committed relationships. But it is smart to be prepared for those rare times when someone just will not take no for an answer and starts stalking you. When you feel that your life is threatened, do not wait for something bad to happen to you, go to the police immediately and protect yourself.